Saturday, July 29, 2006

Pics of Random and Perrin

We're On Vacation!!!

That's right. We are taking 9 whole days off. We're just hanging out at home, going to the water park, Sandy Point, and maybe the zoo depending on the heat. Random and Perrin have check ups on Tuesday and Perrin has a Cardio appointment on Thursday.

Today, we went up to Columbia to do a little shopping. I went to JoAnn's for scrapbook supplies (that I don't really need) and Buddy, Random, and Perrin went to Target and Wal-Mart in search of Heroscape figures. We had lunch at Red Robins and then got donut from Krispy Kreme. I'd love to live in Columbia. It's a very nice place. It would add 30 minutes on to Buddy's 1 to 1.5 hour drive.

While I was at JoAnn's, I saw some really new cool kits. Check them out! I'd love to get a couple of these for my birthday.

Vintage Clock Kit
8x8 Shadow Box
Mini Tag Album

Friday, July 07, 2006

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

What is this?

Buddy said it's a wood spider. Random and I scared it out of the window. The thing was freaking huge! I guess it was just trying to seek shelter from all of the rain that we've had recently.

Monday, July 03, 2006

The Boys :o)

Random and Perrin love each other.

A little kiss on the cheek.

All of the boys together. Even Random's loud cat.