Friday, June 09, 2006

Perrin's visit with the Pediatrician

Perrin had his 3 month visit on Thursday. He now weighs 13 lbs 1 oz and is 23.5 inches long. We stripped him down to be weighed and he promptly took a whiz all over the scale. He is healthy and doing fine. The doctor told us not to be concerned with the days that he consumes 40+ oz of formula. Babies with heart defects have a higher caloric need. The doctor told us to hold off on giving Perrin cereal until he is four months old. I don't think I'm going to be able to hold off though. He has a fit while we are eating. He wants to eat even if he just had a huge bottle of formula. I've been giving him just a tiny bit of cereal each evening while we are eating.

1 comment:

Jennifer Sizemore said...

He is just too cute! Hilarious about the whizzing on the sacel. What a true boy!