Monday, August 14, 2006

Reminder to self: Be proud of who you are!

I was looking through photos that have been taken since Perrin was born. I noticed a couple of pictures of people who hate having their picture taken. I wish those people had smiled and been proud to be holding Perrin or hugging Random. I'm making a promise to myself to get into the picture more often and to be proud of my boys. They are beautiful and I want them to remember me as a happy mother and not one that was always scowling or ignoring the camera!

Here are some pictures of proud people!


Anonymous said...

totally agree. I started asking the boys or Geoff to take my picture so that I can sb myself. I am worth documenting about! The way I look at it if I die tomorrow I would like to have current pics of myself for my boys. They way I am now is what they will remember, so I embrace it.

Jennifer Sizemore said...

OMG - he is getting so big already!!!! And Random looks like quite the wonderful big brother!!!